Hello! My name is Jacqui Stewart, and I am an aspiring new author. I currently have a few books in the works and hope to have them published by mid-2023. I love a variety of genres and I hope to bring that to you with my books. Anything from Paranormal to Post-Apocalyptic strikes my fancy.
I was born and raised in Delaware and transplanted to Pennsylvania. Although, what I’d really like to do now that my son has graduated college? Travel the country while writing and doing freelance work.
I did the whole American dream thing. I graduated from high school, went to college, received my associate degree from Goldey Beacom College in Wilmington, DE. After my divorce, (Yes, I know. Not part of the American Dream!) I chose to go back to college and get my bachelor’s degree in Organizational Management from Wilmington University in New Castle, DE.
I expanded my creative side and started designing and selling my handmade jewelry and home items.
In all honesty? If someone told me years ago that I would be interested in writing? I’d have laughed in their face. I’m not sure why though. I LOVE to read. And, when I say that, I mean, my mom would go crazy because I’d be up until three or four in the morning reading, and then have to go to school. I think I let my life go the way it did because it was easier. In the past few years, I’ve decided I’m ready to take the wheel and drive in the direction I want to go.
So, a few things about what I love:
If you have any questions for me, ask away! I’ll be more than happy to answer them. Follow along over at my Facebook and Instagram Pages!